Lateral Transfer

Lateral transfers are made at the beginning (in associate and undergraduate programmes) and in the middle (only in associate programmes) of each academic year. Announcements within this scope are made on the website of our University. You can find detailed information in the announcements. You can findthe legislation on horizontal transfer at our university here.


Vertical Transfer

In order to be able to enrol in our university through Vertical Transfer, after graduating from the Vocational School, you must prefer and be placed in our University by taking the DGS (Vertical Transfer Examination) held by OSYM in July every year.



After registering to the relevant programmes of our university on the dates specified in the announcements, you can apply for exemption from the PUSULA Information System on the dates specified in the announcements and you can be exempted with the decision of the relevant faculty board of directors after specifying the courses equivalent to the courses you have taken before and the courses in the programme you have just enrolled. You can find the legislation on equivalence, exemption and adjustment procedures at our university here.

