Academic Activities and Areas of Interest of our Department

Labour Economics and Industrial Relations has an interdisciplinary character. The main fields of study of the department intersect with disciplines such as economics, politics, sociology, psychology, law and history. In this direction, there are departments that make up our department, which aims to produce and share knowledge by putting labor relations at the center. The departments, which can be established with different names in universities in Turkey, are as follows under the umbrella of Pamukkale University Department of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations:

  • Labour Economics
  • Labour Law and Social Security
  • Sociology of Management and Labour
  • Management and Work Psychology

The academic staff and graduate students of our department continue their studies in the mentioned fields with great devotion.

All researchers belonging to the Department of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations at Pamukkale University carry out academic studies with a great motivation of social responsibility without being indifferent to economic, social, psychological and legal developments or problems. These studies can be carried out individually as well as with the collective labour of the department.

Sample academic studies conducted by our department staff:

  • Denizli İşgücü Piyasası ve Sosyal Koruma - 2018 - Derleyenler: Oğuz Karadeniz ve Nagihan Durusoy Öztepe -Gazi Kitabevi
  • Kadın ve Yoksulluk - 2021 - Derleyenler: Sevcan Güneş ve Nagihan Durusoy Öztepe -Ekin Yayınevi
  • Küreselleşmenin Koridorlarında Yeni Enternasyonalizm - 2020 - Erkan Kıdak -Siyasal Kitabevi
  • Modernizmden Postmodernizme Arendt Felsefesinde Çalışma ve Düşünce - 2021 - Hakan Topateş -Siyasal Kitabevi
  • Türkiye Refah Rejiminde Kadın - Nursel Durmaz Bodur - 2020 -Siyasal Kitabevi
  • Kargo Taşımacılığında Kendi Hesabına Çalışma Aldatmacası Esnaf Kurye Modeli - 2020 - Erkan Kıdak -TÜMTİS Yayınları
  • Çalışma ve Tüketim Sosyolojisi - 2019 - Aslıcan Kalfa Topateş -Seçkin Yayıncılık
  • Çalışma Sosyolojisinde Dönüşümler -  2018 - Hakan Topateş - Seçkin Yayıncılık
  • Feminist Sosyal Politika - 2018 - Derleyen: Çağla Ünlütürk Ulutaş -Notabene Yayınları
  • Türkiye'de Sağlık Emek Sürecinin Dönüşümü - 2011 - Çağla Ünlütürk Ulutaş -Notabene Yayınları
  • Çalışma Yaşamında Emekliler - 2019 - Nagihan Durusoy Öztepe -Gazi Kitabevi
  • Dilenciler - 2015 - Aslıcan Kalfa Topateş -İletişim Yayınları
  • Kara Talih, Beyaz Perde - 2011 - Kamil Orhan -Ezgi Kitabevi
