Job Areas of Our Graduates

Graduates of the Department of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations have the opportunity to work in many areas of the public and private sectors. Graduates of the department are employed as inspectors, auditors, consultants, expert personnel and research assistants in various public institutions and organizations such as the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services, Social Security Institution (SSI), Turkish Employment Agency (İŞKUR), Labour and Social Security Inspection Board Presidencies, Labour and Social Security Research Center (ÇASGEM), State Planning Organization, Revenue Administration, Universities; they can work as experts and senior managers at various levels of trade unions. Our graduates can work in the International Labor Organization (ILO), which operates under the United Nations, and other international organizations, especially in the field of industrial relations.

Our graduates also have the opportunity to find jobs in other fields where graduates of economics, business administration, finance, political science and public administration departments work. In the private sector, they can work as Human Resources Specialists in the Human Resources departments of companies, as well as in the banking and finance sector. Our department consists of four departments: Labour Law and Social Security Law, Labor Economics, Management and Labour Psychology, Management and Labour Sociology. In this respect, our graduates have a holistic understanding of labor law and social security law.
