The students who wish to study on General Agreement programme at Pamukkale University can only apply if their University has a General Agreement with Pamukkale University. The applicant students must be nominated by home institution and selected by the host institution. Afterwards selected General Agreement exchange students have to follow this procedure:


Step 1 - Getting into Contact

First of all, you should contact the International Relations Office / External Relations Directorate of your University to start the application procedure. We demand a Letter of Recognition from your University stating that you are a selected General Agreement student who is going to study at Pamukkale University. International Office at your University can send this letter via e-mail or fax.


Step 2 - Application (Before the Mobility)

The next step for the selected students should be making the application along with the required documents. Here is the list of required documents for incoming General Agreement students:

  • Application form
  • Learning agreement
  • Changed learning agreement
  • Passport Copy
  • Transcript
  • Language certificate (English or Turkish)
  • Insurance
  • 3 photos


2.1) Pamukkale University General Agreement Exchange Student Application Form

This form must be filled out by General Agreement Exchange students.

2.2) Photographs

You must send us 3 passport size photographs.

2.3) Learning Agreement

The Learning Agreement documents the agreed courses that you are going to take under the General Agreement programme. You must select the courses together with your Coordinator. When you are filling in the Learning Agreement please refer to the following website:

The total number of credits must be about 30 ECTS (+ or - 2). After preparing the Learning Agreement; 3 original copies of this document must be signed by you, by your Coordinator and also by the Institutional Coordinator. Then one copy must be sent to us by your Coordinator (or Office) via e-mail or fax for the necessary sections to be signed by our Institution.

2.4) Transcript

You must send us your up-to-date transcript.

After filling in / obtaining all of these documents you have to submit them to the International Relations Office of Pamukkale University. At first, we need the scanned copies of the required documents (Application Form, Learning Agreement, Transcript, Letter of Recognition and 5 passport size photographs). You should send them via e-mail or fax.

2.5) Language certificate

English or Turkish B1 certificate issued by an official organization

2.6) A copy of your passport

2.7) Incoming students ID information form

All the documents (learning agreement and application form) must be signed and stamped. They must be sent by e-mail first and the students have to submit the original documents either by post or during registration. We highly recommend them to send the documents by post.



Phone : + 90 258 296 75 91

Fax: +90 258 296 23 43


The original documents must be sent to this address via post:

Pamukkale Üniversitesi, Uluslararası İlişkiler Koordinatörlüğü

Kınıklı Kampüsü, İleri Araştırma Laboratuvar Merkez Binası, 2.Kat, 20070 DENİZLİ – TURKEY


Step 3 – Acceptance

We will get in contact with the Departmental Coordinator of your field of study at Pamukkale University to check the conformity of the Learning Agreement that you have sent us. After getting the confirmation from the relevant Departmental Coordinator we will send you the Letter of Acceptance via e-mail and post. You may need this document also for visa application.


Step 4 – Visa and Health Insurance

If your stay in Turkey will last more than 3 months you have to obtain a Student Visa. Please contact the Turkish Embassy in your home country and learn the details of visa application procedure.



On the 2nd of October 2014 a new circular is published by Immigration Office and there are some changes about Health Insurance.

You have two options for the insurance:

1) Having a public insurance from your country (only countries listed below)

If you have a public health insurance in your country and your country is mentioned below you will be exempted from Health Insurance if you do these steps. In order to reach these documents you should contact with your insurance company and you should receive the forms arranged for your name and details.

Requirements to be fulfilled to be exempt from the General Health Insurance:

If you have a formulary "Medical Assistance Entitlement Certificate" indicated below, please give one copy.The Social Security Directorate/Center will give a paper in return. Give the copy of your formulary and the paper given by the Social Security Directorate Center to Police at your appointment as your Health Insurance.

  • Germany T/A 11, T/A 9, T/A 20 ,
  • The Netherlands N/TUR 106, N/TUR 111, N/TUR 121
  • Belgium BT.8, BT 16
  • Austria A/TR 3, A/TR 4
  • France SE 208-01 FT, SE 208-02 FT SE 208-30 FT, SE 208-06 A FT, SE 208-28 FT,SE 208-09 FT
  • Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus K.K.T.C/T.C. 3, K.K.T.C/T.C. 6
  • Romania R/TR 3, R/TR5, R/TR 6
  • Bosnia-Herzegovina BH/TR 4, BH/TR 6, BH/TR 7
  • The Czech Republic CZ/TR 111
  • Macedonia MC/TR 4, TR/MC 6
  • Luxembourg TR/L 3, TR/L 5
  • Albania AL/TR 4, TR/AL 5

And you should be careful that your expiry date of your insurance shall be longer than your acceptance letter's last date.


2) Getting a private insurance from your country

Those applying for a residence permit shall be required to arrange an insurance in Turkey and at an insurance company operating in Turkey in compliance with Article 15 entitled “Insurances which could be Arranged Abroad” of the Law on Insurance numbered 5684. Some insurances organized abroad haven`t been accepted by the Turkish police, so you should mind that your insurance covers these requirements.

  • It shall mention the coverage as worldwide or at least the name “Turkey” as a country.
  • It shall cover the dates that you are planning to stay in Turkey as General Agreement student. We recommend you to do your insurance at least one more month later than your last month in Turkey just in case..
  • It shall cover minimum 22000 TL(Turkish Liras) or equal amount(Euros,Dollar etc.).So,please make sure that coverage amount is enough.
  • It has to contain English translation,otherwise International Relations Office can not know what is written and can not approve it.

List of Turkish Embassies and Consulates

You are also advised to arrange an international health insurance before coming to Turkey.


Step 5 – Accommodation

After you receive your Letter of Acceptance you can contact our International Relations Office to get information on accommodation. You will be assigned a mentor-student to help you.


Step 6 – Turkish Language Course

You can add TKD 107 Turkish Language for beginners course in your learning agreement, however make sure that this course is opened in the related academic term.


Step 7 – Arrangement for Arrival

To have more information about how to get to Denizli, please have a look at this web page:


Step 8 – During the Mobility

  • Please make sure that you have already been registered,
  • Got your student ID cards,
  • You have met your departmental coordinators and got advice about the courses that you should take,
  • Then you get help from the International Relations Office about selecting courses in the Pusula system.


Step 9 – Residence Permit

  • For your Residence Permit, you need to take the following documents to the International Relations Office: * Residence Permit Application Form (will be provided from e-residence)
  • 4 passport-size photos
  • Copy of Passport (the page that includes personal identfying information and the page stamped at your entry)
  • Official Letter (this document is provided by Pamukkale University International Relations Office)
  • Passport (to show the police officer when applying the residence permit)
  • Approximately 70 TL Residence Permit Fee (will be paid to ‘Tax Office’ in city center, keep in mind that you should get a tax number first in the same place.)
  • (Now there is a possibility to pay with a credit card during the filling in the application form in the internet)
  • A health insurance that meets the required criteria by the Immigration Office
  • Please note that: this is not urgent, you can apply after your arrival in a 30 days you can finalize it.
  • Students Certificate which you can get from the related department’s Students affair Offices giving your student ID number.

After your residence permit, you must open a Turkish account from Halkbank Pau branch,

You will bring the document which shows the IBAN number, the name of the bank and the branch, then at the office, the Scholarship agreement will be prepared and signed by you in our office,

Then you will be able to get your grant in your account. It may take more than a month to get your grant please be aware of that.


Step 10 – After the mobility

  • Receive your grades and the signatures of your Lecturers,you can ask for your official transcript from the related faculty students affair.
  • Don’t forget to bring a copy of your transcript to office
  • Bring to the International Relations Office filled and signed "Grade List of for Transcript of Records“
  • Changed Learning Agreement (If you have changed it,it must be signed)
  • Receive your "Confirmation (attendance) Document" from the International Relations Office.
  • You should inform the IRO about your arrival and departure times for your attendance letter and give back your student ID cards.